SEPYLA New Website with a Souderton team page
SEPLYA has a brand new league website for standings and schedules. Anyone with the old link, please update your bookmark:
Souderton Lacrosse has a dedicated page on the League website, each team in the league will have a schedule, results and standings:

Welcome to the Souderton Area Boys Youth Lacrosse Association
Join us to see why lacrosse is the fastest growing sport in the Souderton/Harleysville area!
Little Scoopers Beginner Level
Little Scoopers provides our youngest players the opportunity to get a stick in their hands and learn the basics. Little Scoopers is non-competitive and will practice, but not compete in full games.
Mini-Warriors Beginner Competitive Level
Mini-Warriors provides a beginner competitive experience. Play structure varies season-to-season and may include full-field or 7v7 competitions. Mini-Warrior competitions are in a "play-day" format where teams play 2-3 abbreviated games per day at one site, as opposed to one longer game, traveling to a different site for home and away competitive play.
C2 Beginner/Intermediate Competitive Level
C2 provides a beginner competitive experience at the 3rd and 4th grade level. Play structure varies season-to-season and may include full-field or 7v7 competitions. C2 competitions are in a "play-day" format where teams play 2-3 abbreviated games per day at one site, as opposed to one longer game, traveling to a different site for home and away competitive play.
A, B, and C1 Inter-League Competitive Levels
Our A, B, and C1 Level teams are competitive teams that play in home and away games against other SEYPLA organizations. Each of these levels may be broken down further into 1,2, or 3 levels depending on number of players per age group per year. Evaluations are performed by coaches during the early spring practices to determine level of play.